January 26, 2024

The impact of exercise on dementia

Dementia is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Its impact extends not only to those suffering from dementia, but also to their families and caregivers. While there is no cure for dementia yet, there is growing evidence that physical activity can play a powerful role in slowing the progression of this disease and improving the quality of life of those living with it. In this blog, we talk about the impact of exercise on dementia studies and its benefits for both physical and mental health.

5 min
The rising burden of dementia

Dementia is a term used to describe various conditions that affect memory, thinking and behavior. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, but there are other forms, such as vascular dementia and frontotemporal dementia. Symptoms of dementia include memory loss, confusion, problems with language and communication, and changes in personality. With the aging population, the number of people suffering from dementia is steadily increasing, making it one of the greatest health challenges of our time.

Movement as a powerful intervention

Although there is no cure for dementia, more and more research points to the positive role physical activity can play in relieving symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease. Here are some ways in which exercise can be a powerful intervention for dementia:

  • Reducing risk: Regular exercise can reduce the risk of developing dementia. Studies have shown that people who stay active throughout their lives have a lower risk of dementia than those who are sedentary.
  • Improving cognitive functions: Exercise can improve cognitive functions, including memory, attention and problem-solving skills. It also stimulates the growth of new nerve cells in the brain, promoting brain plasticity.
  • Slowing disease progression: While exercise cannot cure dementia, there is evidence that it can slow the progression of the disease. It can help stabilize symptoms and slow the decline of brain function.
  • Improving mood and behavior: Physical activity can lead to improvements in mood and behavior in people with dementia. It can reduce anxiety and depression, reduce aggression and improve overall quality of life.
  • Increased independence: By improving strength and balance, exercise can help maintain independence. This can help people with dementia care for themselves longer and actively participate in daily activities.

How much and what kind of exercise is helpful?

It is important to note that physical activity is beneficial not only for people with dementia, but also for those at increased risk of developing dementia. Even small lifestyle changes, such as regular walking, can provide benefits.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend variation for physical activity, but it is generally recommended to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. This can include walking, swimming, cycling, dancing or gardening. It is important to choose activities that suit the person and are feasible.

People with dementia may need to adapt exercise to their individual abilities and needs. This may include seated exercise, tai chi or physical therapy. In this regard, it is important to seek medical advice before beginning a new exercise program.

The power of movement

Dementia is a complex and devastating condition that affects the lives of millions of people worldwide. Although there is no cure, exercise offers hope and improvement in the management of the disease. Physical activity can reduce the risk of dementia, slow the progression of the disease and improve the quality of life of people with dementia. The benefits of exercise extend beyond the physical aspects, as it also promotes mental health and well-being.

While exercise cannot overcome all the challenges of dementia, it can certainly contribute to a better quality of life for those living with these conditions. It is a reminder of the power of the mind and body to work together for a healthier and happier future.

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