January 26, 2024

The right balance; portion control

We live in a society where "more" is often applauded, but what if we told you that the key to a healthy lifestyle actually starts with portion control? Portion control is not just a trend, but rather an essential pillar of a balanced diet and healthy living. Let's delve deeper into the meaning and impact of portion control on our well-being.

5 min
1. The essence of portion control

Portion control is not simply measuring food or limiting yourself to small amounts. It is a conscious and deliberate approach to consuming food. It is about understanding your body, listening to signals and responding with respect for your own health. In a world that often revolves around "XXL" portions and unlimited refills, portion control offers a counterbalance. It's not about depriving yourself, but choosing quality over quantity.

2. A look back at portions: Then and now

Compare a "medium" soft drink of today with one from a few decades ago. What was once considered standard is now often the smallest option. Portions have increased dramatically over the years, and what we now consider normal was once an exception. This shift has affected not only our weight, but also our perception of a normal portion.

3. The illusion of large signs

You might not think it, but the dinnerware you use also affects your perception of portion control. The advent of "oversized" plates has created a psychological phenomenon that affects our perception of portions. A normal portion seems a lot smaller on a large plate, making us more likely to scoop up more to satisfy the visual feeling of hunger. Try eating from a smaller plate. You'll be surprised at how satisfying a normal portion can look and how much difference it can make.

4. Deciphering nutritional value

Let's unravel the nutritional value of a typical fast food meal. A "large" meal can easily exceed a daily recommended calorie allowance. Compare this to a "small" meal, which is often more than sufficient to meet your nutritional needs.

Great fast food menu

  • Big Mac (580 kcal)
  • Large fries (500 kcal)
  • Large soda (300 kcal)
  • Total around 1380 kcal

Small fast food menu

  • Cheeseburger (300 kcal)
  • Small fries (230 kcal)
  • Water (0 kcal)
  • Total around 530 kcal

The large menu naturally provides more calories than the small menu and contains more saturated fats and sugars, which can contribute to weight gain and health problems. The small menu offers a more balanced option with fewer calories and less emphasis on fats and sugars. By choosing a smaller portion, you can still enjoy the taste without the consequences of excessive calorie intake.

5. Practical Tips

  1. Choosing small portions: the example above actually explains it enough, but we'll repeat it again. Smaller portions are often more than enough; don't let the perception of a larger plate take over your choices.
  2. Share meals: Consider sharing meals with friends or family to reduce portions. This also allows you to experience multiple flavors!
  3. Choose water over soda: We know, it can be hard sometimes. Water is a calorie-free and healthier choice over sugary drinks.
  4. Conscious eating: Take time to enjoy your food and stop when you are satisfied.

6. Balance is key

Portion control is not a restriction, but rather a liberation from unhealthy eating habits. It allows us to take control of our diet and improve our health. However, always remember that you are also allowed to enjoy yourself and that the occasional tasty XXL pizza is by no means forbidden. We are all human beings.

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A revolutionary weight loss program where you will lose weight through a combination of injections, which inhibit hunger pangs, and coaching!

What is medical weight loss?

Overweight and obesity are a serious problem in today's society, with which as many as 50% of the Dutch struggle. Slimming down is a challenging task and maintaining a healthy weight is often even more difficult. To help people in this challenge, we have created an innovative weight loss program. In our program, you have the opportunity to lose weight through injections that suppress the feeling of hunger and provide a sense of satiety. Moreover, during this program you will be medically supervised by both a doctor and a nutritionist!

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