October 12, 2023
Vi Lifestyle Team

The role of technology in movement

Technology is no longer confined to the walls of laboratories or offices. It has made its way into almost every aspect of daily life. Whether it's athletic performance, physical health or even the way we move around, technology has played a revolutionary role in how we move and how we understand it. In this blog, we talk about the impact of technology on movement.

5 min
Wearable technology

One of the most visible examples of technology in motion is the rise of wearable devices such as fitness trackers and smartwatches. These devices offer real-time monitoring of physical activity, heart rate, sleep patterns and even stress levels. They contribute as personal support that helps us achieve our fitness goals.

According to a study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine (Patel, M. S., et al., 2015), the use of fitness trackers led to a significant increase in physical activity among participants. This shows how technology can motivate people to become more active and improve their health.

Virtual Reality

The rise of VR has dramatically changed the way we move and exercise. VR allows users to be fully immersed in digital environments, opening up new possibilities for physical activity and training. From VR fitness games to simulating real sports, this technology opens doors to new movement experiences.

Research published in the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (Maier, M. et al., 2019) suggests that VR training can help improve balance and coordination in patients with neurological disorders. This shows that VR is not only fun, but also potentially therapeutic.

Biometric analysis

Professional athletes and coaches use advanced biometric analysis to optimize performance. This includes monitoring factors such as heart rate, speed, movement patterns and muscle activity. These technologies allow athletes to tailor their workouts to their individual needs and identify weaknesses.

A study in Sports Medicine (Sinnott, A. et al., 2020) highlights the importance of biometric analysis in athletics. It shows how the use of this data can lead to improved performance and lower risk of injury.

Mobility Solutions

Urban mobility is being transformed by technology, with the emergence of shared cars, electric scooters and even autonomous vehicles. These developments are impacting how we move around urban environments and contributing to more sustainable transportation options. One study is Transportation Research Part D: Transportation and Environment (Litman, T., 2019) highlights the potential of shared transportation in reducing congestion and environmental impact. This shows how technology can help create more efficient and cleaner transportation options.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has had a huge impact on exercise and health. AI algorithms can analyze data to provide personalized exercise and nutrition recommendations. They can also help detect health problems based on movement patterns, such as fall detection in the elderly. A study published in Nature Medicine (Topol, E. J., 2019) highlights the role of AI in predicting disease and personalizing treatments. This underscores the potential of technology to improve individual health outcomes.

We continue to transform

Technology has impacted and improved movement and health in revolutionary ways. From wearables helping us reach our fitness goals to VR adding new dimensions to sports and exercise, the impact is clearly visible and scientifically based. As technology continues to evolve, we are likely to see even more exciting developments in exercise and health that will help us move even better in the future. It is an exciting time to see how technology continues to transform the way we move and stay healthy.

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