February 20, 2024

Granola in the supermarket: How to choose the best for your health?

In the world of healthy eating, granola often seems to go unnoticed. However, this crunchy mixture of grains, nuts, seeds and sweeteners has a lot to offer when it comes to enriching your diet. We would like to tell you exactly what granola is, why it is a healthy addition to your diet and how to choose the most nutritious version in the supermarket.

5 min
What is Granola?

Granola is a crunchy breakfast cereal that consists of a mix of toasted oats, nuts, seeds and sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup. It is often flavored with spices, such as cinnamon and vanilla, making it a delicious and versatile addition to various (breakfast) dishes.

Health Benefits of Granola

Granola offers an array of health benefits that make it worth including in your weekly eating schedule. It is rich in dietary fiber, which is beneficial for healthy digestion and controlling your blood sugar levels. In addition, it is packed with healthy fats, protein and essential nutrients such as iron and magnesium.

Why does Granola fit into a healthy diet?

A healthy diet is all about balance and variety. The right granola offers a crunchy alternative to standard breakfast cereals, and it pairs well with yogurt, milk, fruit salads or as a topping for smoothie bowls. By adding granola to your diet, you not only add flavor and texture, but also a healthy dose of nutrients.

But how do you choose the healthiest granola in the supermarket?

When walking through the supermarket in search of the perfect granola, be aware of the various options. Granola is plentiful, but not every variety contributes to a healthy diet.

Some of these crunchy mixes can be sneakily packed with sugars and added fats, making it important for consumers to take a critical look at the label before making a choice. Start by checking the ingredient list, as this often gives a clear picture of what is really in the granola.

Avoid granolas that are high on the list of added refined sugars. Sugar comes under different names, such as glucose syrup, fructose or sucrose. It is important to be alert to these hidden sugars because excessive sugar intake can lead to health problems such as obesity and diabetes.

Fortunately, there are healthier alternatives available. Look for granolas that use natural sweeteners, such as honey or maple syrup. These natural sugars not only add sweetness but also contain some nutrients, making them a better choice than their refined counterparts.

In addition to sugars, the choice of oils is very important. In some cases, granolas from the supermarket may contain oils that are considered less healthy, mainly because of their composition of saturated and trans fats.

Watch the sugar content, avoid many trans fats and choose natural sweeteners and healthy oils. By applying these strategies, you will not only give your breakfast a healthy boost, but also contribute to a more balanced diet for the rest of the day.

Did you know you can find a delicious and easy recipe in the VYTAL app? You can easily add it to breakfast with yogurt, cottage cheese or as a delicious topping on a smoothie bowl!

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