October 12, 2023
Vi Lifestyle Team

Have you tried pilates?

We are always discovering new ways to improve health. One of the most versatile and effective methods I have experienced is pilates. This method of exercise focuses on strengthening the body and promoting flexibility. Pilates not only has physical benefits, but also impacts your mental state. In this blog, I share my personal journey with pilates and its benefits, and explain why you should try it too!

5 min
A first introduction

My journey began curiously. I was looking for a new, effective way to exercise while improving my flexibility. Pilates focuses on strengthening core muscles, improving posture and promoting balance. The combination of fluid movements and conscious breathing creates a calming yet challenging workout.

Stronger, more agile and better balanced

As I started doing more and more pilates, I soon began to experience physical benefits. My core muscles became stronger, resulting in better posture and a reduction in my back pain. The exercises, which focus on lengthening muscles and improving flexibility, also helped me become more limber. Improving my balance was a pleasant surprise.

The power of mind-body connection

One of the most remarkable aspects of pilates is its emphasis on the mind-body connection. As I performed the exercises, I was encouraged to focus on breathing and every little movement. This brought with it a sense of awareness and mindfulness. My weekly hour of pilates became my rest hour, where I could let go of the busy daily thoughts for a while.

Pilates really is for everyone

Another thing that struck me about pilates is its adaptability. Whether you're a beginner or have been training for years, pilates offers exercises and modifications to suit your needs. It is an inclusive approach to movement, where people of all ages and levels can benefit.

Growth and development

My journey with pilates is still ongoing. As I continue with the exercises, I notice how my strength, flexibility and mental resilience continue to grow. Pilates has not only helped me develop a stronger body, but also a growth in my mindset. I enjoy the process of growth and development.

I am far from stopping, are you starting?

Pilates has really shown me that movement is not just physical activity, but a way to connect more deeply with body and mind. The combination of strength, flexibility and mindfulness makes pilates a valuable addition to my fitness routine. So, have I tried pilates before? Definitely! Now you do!

Medical weight loss with Vi Lifestyle

A revolutionary weight loss program where you will lose weight through a combination of injections, which inhibit hunger pangs, and coaching!

What is medical weight loss?

Overweight and obesity are a serious problem in today's society, with which as many as 50% of the Dutch struggle. Slimming down is a challenging task and maintaining a healthy weight is often even more difficult. To help people in this challenge, we have created an innovative weight loss program. In our program, you have the opportunity to lose weight through injections that suppress the feeling of hunger and provide a sense of satiety. Moreover, during this program you will be medically supervised by both a doctor and a nutritionist!

Schedule a consultation for more information
Doctors with more than 30 years of experience
All online
Medical partner affiliated with
Personal contact with a physician
Regulated consultations with nutrition coach
Injections are conveniently delivered to your home
Re-ordering of injections possible
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