October 12, 2023
Vi Lifestyle Team

How we can learn from animals

In the world of movement, we can learn a lot from our fellow inhabitants on this planet: animals. At a time when many people lead sedentary lifestyles, it is fascinating to see how animals move and how this can motivate us to be more active. This blog dives deeper into some interesting aspects of animal movement and how it can encourage us to live a more active daily life. Animals are masters of movement. They have adapted to different environments and developed unique ways to move and survive. Scientists have long studied animal movement behavior and have found that there is much to learn. Here are some points we can learn from animals.

5 min
Exercise as a natural lifestyle

Animals naturally move and perform their daily activities that keep them fit and healthy. Whether hunting, flying, swimming, climbing or running, exercise is a complete part of their lives. This is directly opposed to modern humans, who often lead sedentary lifestyles. A study published in the journal PLOS ONE in 2017 found that a sedentary lifestyle is linked to an increased risk of health problems such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease. So, let's try to learn even more from animals about exercise as a natural lifestyle.

Variation in movement

Animals adopt a wide range of movement patterns depending on their needs and environment. For example; felines such as leopards move in a very different way than birds such as eagles. This variation in movement is essential for their survival and well-being. Humans can also benefit from variation in their exercise routine. Mixing different types of exercise, such as cardio, strength training and flexibility exercises, can help develop a balanced and healthy body.

Functional movement

Animals perform movements directly related to their daily needs, such as hunting, gathering food or sheltering. These functional movements help them not only survive, but also stay fit and strong. In humans, functional movement can be applied through everyday activities such as gardening, walking or climbing stairs. By choosing activities that help us in everyday life, we can improve our physical fitness without it feeling like traditional exercise.

Self-care and rest

Animals understand the importance of rest and recovery after exercise. They often take adequate time to rest and allow their bodies to recover. This is crucial to maintaining their energy and health. The same principle applies to humans. Rest and sleep are essential for a healthy body and a sharp mind. Ignoring these aspects can lead to fatigue, stress and health problems. We can learn from animals by incorporating adequate rest and recovery time into our lives.


Animals are constantly adapting to changing conditions. Whether migrating to find food, acrobatic movements to avoid predators, or building complex nests now, animals demonstrate amazing adaptability. This ability to adapt to new challenges and environments is something humans can learn from. In our ever-changing world, it is important to be flexible and embrace new ways of moving and living.

Masters in motion

Animal movement behavior offers us insight and inspiration for improving our own health and well-being. By embracing movement as a natural lifestyle, applying variation in movement, emphasizing functional movement, prioritizing self-care and rest, and increasing our adaptability, we can enrich our lives. Let's take a page from the book of animals and learn from their way of moving so we can become healthier, fitter and more resilient in our daily lives. It's never too late to start!

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