January 26, 2024

Meditation as a key to relaxation

Meditation is not just a mental exercise; it also has profound physical and neurological effects that contribute to achieving a state of deep relaxation. Let's delve deeper into exactly what meditation does, both physically and for your brain.

5 min
Stress reduction at the cellular level

Stress, as a constant companion in our lives, has significant effects on our bodies at the cellular level. Meditation, however, appears to be a natural medicine that offers deep rest to the level of our cells. Research by Arch, J.J., & Craske, M.G. for Behaviour Research & Therapy in 2006 has shown that regular meditation reduces the activity of the stress hormone cortisol, reducing cellular damage and aging. In this way, meditation acts as an inner healer, allowing the body to repair and renew itself.

Calming the autonomic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system, responsible for automatic body functions such as heart rate and breathing, is often affected by stress. Meditation has proven to balance the autonomic nervous system, with a shift to "rest and recovery" mode. This results in reduced heart rate, decreased blood pressure and deeper breathing. Through these physiological responses, meditation creates a state of deep relaxation that allows the body to regenerate.

Brain waves and neuroplasticity

Our brains undergo remarkable changes during meditation, with different brain waves playing their own unique roles. In a state of deep relaxation, the slow delta and theta waves become dominant. These waves are associated with deep sleep and creativity, indicating that meditation not only brings calm, but also creates space for creative thought processes.

In addition, meditation impacts brain neuroplasticity, which refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt. Research by Hölzel, B.K., and Congleton, C., for Psychiatry Research in 2011 suggests that meditation can increase gray matter density in the brain, particularly in areas related to self-awareness, compassion and stress regulation. This implies that meditation not only has a short-term effect, but can also affect the structure of the brain over the long term.

Addressing chronic pain

Meditation has also proven effective in reducing the perception of pain. Studies from Journal of Behavioral Medicine in 1985 show that meditating can affect brain regions involved in processing pain, allowing people with chronic pain to experience significant relief. This highlights the power of meditation as a holistic approach to health, not only calming the mind, but also helping the body cope with physical challenges.

Get started today

Meditation is not merely a spiritual practice; it is a science-based tool for the well-being of both body and mind. From stress reduction at the cellular level to influencing brain waves and neuroplasticity, meditation serves as a balm that penetrates deeply into the physical and neurological layers of our existence. Thus, as we embrace the stillness of meditation, we not only experience inner peace, but allow our body and brain to benefit in a state of balance and vitality.

To give you a hand in advance, there are new meditations in the VYTAL app.

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