October 12, 2023
Vi Lifestyle Team

Why walking is so good for you.

In a world in constant flux and where technology is changing our lives at a rapid pace, there is one simple, timeless activity that can still help ground us: hiking. Whether it's a leisurely stroll in the park or a brisk trek through the mountains, hiking offers a range of physical, mental and emotional benefits that can significantly improve our well-being. In this article, we will delve into why hiking is so good for you and why it is one of the most accessible and effective ways to take care of yourself. After all, you can't forget yourself!

5 min
Physical benefits of hiking

The human body is designed to move. Walking is a natural way to meet this need. Regular walking not only strengthens your muscles and improves your endurance, but it is also an excellent cardiovascular exercise. It stimulates circulation, helps maintain a healthy weight and can even help regulate blood pressure. Moreover, walking is a low-impact activity, meaning it is kind to your joints and less likely to cause injury.

Mental and emotional benefits

Walking not only has positive effects on your body, but also on your mind. It is a powerful tool for reducing stress and improving your mood. Walking releases a flow of endorphins, also known as "happiness hormones," which stimulate feelings of well-being and joy. In addition, hiking offers you a chance to escape the daily grind, clear your head and get in touch with the nature around you. This can provide greater clarity, creativity and an improved ability to cope with stress.

Exposure to nature

One of the most enchanting aspects of hiking is the opportunity to experience nature. Whether walking through lush forests, along babbling brooks or along expansive mountain trails, nature has a positive effect on your well-being. Exposure to the outdoors makes you feel less fatigued and have a longer span of tension. In addition, spending more time in nature can establish a sense of connection to something greater than yourself.

Social benefits

Hiking is also an excellent opportunity to maintain your social contacts. Hiking together with friends, family or pets is, of course, always enjoyable and can lead to in-depth conversations and strengthen relationships. The social aspects of hiking contribute to an overall sense of well-being and connectedness.

Shall we take a walk?

In a world that can feel hectic and overwhelming, walking offers a way to unwind and release your stress for a while. The physical, mental and emotional benefits are numerous and proven. From strengthening your body to calming your mind.

So, put on your walking shoes and choose a nice route that appeals to you. Allow yourself the space to enjoy a walk. Whether you take a short evening walk or a long trek through the woods, each step will bring you closer to a healthier and happier life.

Medical weight loss with Vi Lifestyle

A revolutionary weight loss program where you will lose weight through a combination of injections, which inhibit hunger pangs, and coaching!

What is medical weight loss?

Overweight and obesity are a serious problem in today's society, with which as many as 50% of the Dutch struggle. Slimming down is a challenging task and maintaining a healthy weight is often even more difficult. To help people in this challenge, we have created an innovative weight loss program. In our program, you have the opportunity to lose weight through injections that suppress the feeling of hunger and provide a sense of satiety. Moreover, during this program you will be medically supervised by both a doctor and a nutritionist!

Schedule a consultation for more information
Doctors with more than 30 years of experience
All online
Medical partner affiliated with
Personal contact with a physician
Regulated consultations with nutrition coach
Injections are conveniently delivered to your home
Re-ordering of injections possible
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