February 20, 2024

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting has attracted the attention of both scientists and the public in recent years. This approach to nutrition involves periods of fasting interspersed with periods of eating. In this blog, we talk about intermittent fasting and its effects on the body and health.

5 min
An introduction to eating patterns

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a dietary approach that includes periods of fasting and eating. Unlike traditional diets, IF emphasizes not what foods you eat or don't eat, but when you eat. During periods of fasting, caloric intake is restricted, encouraging the body to use stored fat as an energy source. There are several methods of intermittent fasting, ranging from the popular 16/8 method, which involves a daily cycle of 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating, to other approaches such as the 5:2 method, in which you eat normally for 5 days and restrict eating to about 500 kcal for 2 days. You also have the eat-stop-eat method, where you fast completely for 24 hours. Each period of fasting begins and ends with 24 hours without solid food. It is important to remember that when starting any form of intermittent fasting, it is advisable to consult with a health professional first.

The biological basis of intermittent fasting

IF involves significant changes in several biological processes within the human body. During periods of fasting, insulin production decreases, resulting in increased fat burning as the body switches to stored energy reserves. Also, during fasting, the hormone norepinephrine is released, which stimulates metabolism. These biochemical shifts are crucial to the use of fats as a primary energy source.


Autophagy is an interesting biological process associated with IF. Imagine that our cells are little factories. Sometimes parts of these little factories get damaged. Autophagy is like the cleanup crew of these little factories. During fasting, the body starts recycling. Thus, autophagy breaks down damaged parts and recycles them. This process becomes extra active during fasting and contributes to cell repairs. Some scientific studies even suggest that this process contributes to a possible longer life.

Insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation

Several scientific studies support the improvement of insulin sensitivity through intermittent fasting. During periods of fasting, insulin resistance decreases, which may be beneficial for maintaining stable blood sugar levels. These findings suggest potential benefits for individuals with health challenges such as type 2 diabetes.

Impact on heart health

IF appears to have a positive impact on several factors related to heart health. Research from American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the diet may have beneficial effects on blood pressure, cholesterol levels and triglycerides (a type of fat in the blood that acts as an energy reserve). These beneficial changes in cardiovascular risk factors may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Weight loss and metabolism

One of the most studied aspects of intermittent fasting is its relationship to weight loss and metabolism. The restricted eating periods lead to reduced caloric intake, resulting in weight loss. Moreover, the increase in fat burning during fasting periods contributes to the metabolic benefits attributed to intermittent fasting, such as increased sensitivity to insulin and improved fat oxidation. It is important to emphasize, however, that weight loss depends on the foods you consume during periods of eating. Fasting all day, only to stuff yourself with calories at the first best fast food chain, is not going to help with weight loss.

Safety and considerations

Despite certain positive effects of intermittent fasting being scientifically supported, it is important to exercise caution. It is not universally appropriate for individuals with medical conditions. It is essential that individuals with health challenges or specific dietary needs seek professional advice before turning to intermittent fasting to assess potential risks and make adjustments appropriate to their individual health situation.

Everyone is different

Intermittent fasting has attracted the attention of the scientific community because of its various biological effects on the body. Autophagy, improved insulin sensitivity and possible beneficial effects on heart health are some areas that are currently being widely researched. Nutrition and possibly dieting remains personal and is different for everyone. Above all, do a lot of research on what is best for you and what your body needs.

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