October 12, 2023
Vi Lifestyle Team

What is Matcha?

You may have heard about it before, matcha. It certainly caught my attention! Matcha is a superfood that is drunk like tea. But what exactly is it and what do scientists say about it? Let's look together at the possible magic of matcha, or is it? Read on quickly!

5 min
What is matcha?

Matcha is a finely ground green tea powder traditionally used in the Japanese tea ceremony. It is made from young tea leaves grown in the shade to promote the production of chlorophyll and amino acids. The leaves are then steamed, dried and ground to a powdery consistency. Compared to regular green tea, the entire tea leaf is consumed when drinking matcha, resulting in a higher concentration of certain compounds.

Antioxidant-rich properties

Matcha is known for its high antioxidant content, particularly catechins, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a type of catechin found in abundance in matcha. Several studies have shown that EGCG has powerful antioxidant properties that can help fight cell damage caused by free radicals. This can potentially help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and promote general well-being.

Health benefits of matcha

  • Heart health: Several studies suggest that consumption of green tea and matcha may contribute to improved heart health. The antioxidants in matcha may help lower cholesterol levels, improve blood vessel function and reduce inflammation.
  • Weight management: Some studies suggest a possible role of matcha in weight management. The combination of caffeine and antioxidants may stimulate energy expenditure and fat oxidation, which may contribute to increased metabolism and weight loss.
  • Mental calm and focus: Matcha naturally contains the amino acid L-theanine, which has a calming effect while potentially improving alertness and focus. This combination of L-theanine and caffeine is often associated with a feeling of relaxation without the drowsiness.

Mitigation and potential drawbacks

Although matcha can offer numerous benefits, it is important to consume it in moderation. Too much matcha can lead to excessive intake of caffeine, which can cause insomnia, nervousness and increased heart rate. In addition, the high lead content in some matcha products can be a concern. Regular consumption of matcha with high levels of lead can lead to lead build-up in the body, which can be harmful to health.

Are you going to try it?

Matcha is more than just a trendy superfood; it is a traditional beverage with proven health benefits backed by scientific research. Its antioxidant-rich properties, potential contribution to heart health, weight management and mental focus make matcha an interesting addition to a balanced diet. As with any food, it is crucial to consume it in moderation and choose quality products to prevent any drawbacks from outweighing the benefits. Always pay close attention to this!

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