Beginning a weight loss journey with GLP-1 medication can be exciting yet overwhelming. Understanding what to expect in the initial weeks can help you navigate this new phase effectively.
How GLP-1 Medications Work
GLP-1 medications mimic a naturally occurring hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. By slowing down digestion and reducing appetite, these medications can aid in weight loss.
What to Expect in the First Weeks
In the first week of taking your GLP-1 medication, you might already start noticing some changes. One of the most noticeable effects is a lowered appetite. You might find yourself feeling fuller sooner and less inclined to snack between meals.
Another possible effect is less brain fogginess and more clear thinking. Results from clinical trials have shown that people who go on GLP-1 medication start having positive effects in terms of their cognitive functions and mood regulation in the first weeks of the medication intake.
While individual results vary, many people start to see initial weight loss within the first few weeks. The weight loss can start occurring as early as the first 1 to 4 weeks with a usual estimate of around 1.5 kg per week or 6 kg per month.
Inevitably, some side effects may also occur during those first weeks of taking the GLP-1 medication. The most common side effects that people experience are nausea, diarrhea, and constipation. These side effects are often tamed after your body adjusts to the medication.
Tips for Success
We understand that the changes might feel uncomfortable, but we can give you some tips to keep your motivation going and make your journey less stressful.
Listen to you body
It is important to listen to your body. Pay attention to the signals that your body is sending you and adjust your eating habits accordingly. Combining your weight loss medication with proper nutrition is not only beneficial for how you are feeling physically but also contributes to more effective and longer-lasting results. Foods we recommend are eggs, healthy fats, whole grains, berries, legumes, vegetables, and leafy greens. Prioritizing protein-rich foods can significantly contribute to satiety, muscle maintenance, and blood sugar regulation. Incorporating an abundance of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your meals ensures a robust intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Stay hydrated
Accordingly, it is also important to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water can help alleviate some side effects. Water plays a crucial role in breaking down food, absorbing nutrients, and maintaining regular bowel movements. Insufficient fluid intake can lead to constipation, bloating, and reduced nutrient absorption. Proper hydration is particularly important for those taking GLP-1 medications, as it helps counterbalance potential side effects like constipation. Drinking adequate water supports the entire digestive process, from initial breakdown to nutrient absorption.
Importance of exercise
Regular exercise is key for enhancing weight loss results, maintaining a healthy weight, and overall well-being. While GLP-1 medications can be highly effective in aiding weight loss, combining them with regular exercise can yield even more significant and sustainable results. Exercise complements the appetite-suppressing and blood sugar-regulating effects of GLP-1 medications, leading to greater weight loss and improved overall health.
Consistency is key
Lastly, having patience and keeping a positive attitude is quite important. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. Everyone’s journey looks different depending on different factors such as genetics, gender, age, overall health, diet history, lifestyle, and environment. However, consistent use of the GLP-1 medication, combined with healthy lifestyle changes can help achieve long-term success.